Well that's a relief
Girl: And all crossdressers end up marrying each other, so it's all good.
-- to her friend, walking across the quad
Girl: And all crossdressers end up marrying each other, so it's all good.
Guy 1: I think I found out the trick to dating.
Girl 1 (about a professor): Ugh, I know! I fuckin hate her, too! She gave me back this paper and said it didn't make any sense, but it was like the best paper I've ever written. I got a B- on it!!!
Girl: What did you do last night?
Guy: Lycra is quite possibly the greatest material ever created.
Very old man: "Well it looks like this play is for cable!"
Girl (to woman at Surfin' Joes): Do you have chais today?
Girl: Oh my God, I just got another UTI. I really should learn to pee after sex. And, it's not like my parents don't know or anything, but, I mean, my boyfriend just left yesterday and now I have one.
Drunk Girl (singing): We didn't start the fire. It's always burning since the world's been turning...