Bringing Scatological Humor To A Whole New Level
Girl: So does your poop come out differently after a night of drinking heavily? ....My friend wants to know. (Giggles) ....I think I might still be drunk.
-- On Campus
Girl: So does your poop come out differently after a night of drinking heavily? ....My friend wants to know. (Giggles) ....I think I might still be drunk.
Girl: My mom called me at 2:30 in the afternoon and said I sounded tipsy. So you know what I said? I said, 'No, I'm just eating a lot of chips.'
Girl #1: Is that how guys really talk?
Guy #1: Hey, you guys took Spanish? What does 'barraca' mean?
Drunk Guy: But if there were no buildings, where would people fucking live??
Guy on Phone: Yeah, so she's all upset because apparently I stole all the covers in the bed, and she was like, "I'm never sleeping with you again, you were so impossible to sleep with," like I give a shit, the sex wasn't that great anyways.
Guy on Phone: Well, at least you're gonna get a lot of 'nani this weekend.
Guy: Dude, stop worrying about it. You're not even black, you're Italian!
Drunk Girl (to DA and friends): Hey, do you guys have any cigarettes?
Drunk Girl (while watching another drunk girl walking down steps in spike heels): Dude, she's so gonna fall. She's SO gonna fall....
Tipsy Girl: You know what type of night it is? I'm wearing a leopard-print dress and leggings! It's THAT type of night!
Guy: Dude, don't mess up my hat!